Only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent
A man practicing a lethal skill and practicing it with kids will never be equal to another man who practiced the same skill with skilled opponents. Have you ever heard: […]
What if you could . . . ?
Michael Jordan wasn’t a basketball star when he was born. In fact he wasn’t one in high school when he was expelled out of college basket ball team. Michael Philips […]
Ninja martial arts in Lahore
We are trying to gather Ninjas (Already trained in ninjutsu) or who want to learn ninjutsu from Lahore, Pakistan. If you are a ninja or want to be trained in […]
Martial arts is useless in real fights ?
Ever since I have been into martial arts (of any form) I have been listening people say that Martial arts is useless in real fight situations or on the streets. […]
Swimming Pools in Islamabad
There are various pools here in Islamabad, Pakistan but not many people know their locations and fee structure. Here is a list of some of the swimming pools in Islamabad […]