Getting Started
Taijutsu – Un Armed Combat
Taijutsu is the branch of ninjutsu in which the students are trained in un armed combat using their body as the only weapon available. Students are taught various defence and […]
Martial Arts Training
Ninjutsu class all the important parts of the Art, Karate, Judo, Gymnastic, yoga, Ninja weapons (Sword, Stick, Nun Chuck, Sai, throwing stars etc) are taught. All the necessary training equipments […]
Parts of Training in Ninja Martial arts
Students in F.S Ninja Academy, Pakistan are trained in numerous arts and skills from locks and throws to fatal techniques. Our training staff includes dedicated professional who are in this […]
Admission in F.S Ninja Academy Pakistan
Admission procedure for any club/dojo of F.S Ninja Academy Pakistan is very simple. The applicant needs to fill the admission form with his passport size photographs and submit it to […]